Thursday, May 29, 2008


Bravo Mrs. I!!! You got it right. The italicized words were french.

"Bad news ladies and gents My Brain is now an endangered creature, it's close to extinction!! It's predators school and life are growing in numbers and are overpowering this helpless creature. Please Help!!"

As explanation, lets just say I was tired and my brain was fried, and I never wanted to see another research paper again.

Thank you all for your concern, I feel quite loved:-)

Yes, I can be a goose sometimes....


Pat I said...

So, are you taking French, or just playing with it on occasion?

Anonymous said...

Oh!! haha!
So ARE you taking French????????

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Well.. lets say I took a year of French, never finished the book and all I can remember is Pomme is Apple and Garson is boy. (I think)

I just did the French for a joke...

Lady Dvora said...

She used a nifty online translator thingy



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