Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oh NO!!!

Bad news ladies and gents the Mon Cerveau has now become an endangered creature, it's close to extinction!! It's predators the école and the Lavie have been growing in numbers and are overpowering this helpless creature.
Please Help!!


DaveWick said...

Are you OK???

Rebecca said...

what in the name of sanity are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Excuse me? Did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

It's a different language try trasnlating it.


Kourtney Ann said...

Ya! What they said!

Kourtney Ann said...

Haha! Joe you and I commented at the exact same time!

Lady Dvora said...

École is a village and commune in the Savoie department and Rhône-Alpes region of France.

The word Lavie has multiple meanings:

Lavie, a former French automobile
LaVie, a laptop computer manufactured by NEC

Mon Cerveau doesn't register on Wikipedia.....

I"m guessing this is a hoax :)

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna bet she was talking about the french automobile?

Anonymous said...

Lavie is two words and the others are wrong sorry debbie try a different source


Pat I said...

So, your brain is gonna maybe die soon as a result of school and THE life (versus VOTRE life) multiplying and suppressing said organ?



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