Friday, May 23, 2008

Photo Contest

Our local paper is having a photography contest for 7th to 12 graders, so, I thought, just for kicks, I'd enter a photo.

Now the question is... which (of the very few decent) pictures I've taken should I submit?

The Bleeding Heart With Fuzzy Background Picture

The Purple-what-ever-that-flower-is called picture.

The Yummy-Cookies picture.

The Shadowing Picture.


The crystal lamp at Grandma's house

Opinions? Let me know your vote by commenting!


Rebecca said...

i like the crystal lamp one

Anonymous said...

I agree with Becca! The crysral lamp!

Moriah A. said...

I like the yummy cookie picture, and the bleeding heart with the fuzzy background picture!

Abigail said...

I agree with you Moriah! I like the bleeding heart, and the yummy cookie pictures!

Erica said...

Think about it logically. Everybody and their brother who enters is going to enter either flower pictures or people pictures.

So don't do the flowers.

I would go with the cookies. I think if you've never seen the crystal lamp, it's hard at first to tell what it is. (I couldn't!) But the cookies are artistic, unusual, and fun!!

IMHO. :)

Kourtney Ann said...

I like the crystal lamp and the cookies!

The Von Eight said...

I'll agree with Ri and Abigail, either the bleeding heart flower or the cookies- those are so cute and they look delicious!

Anonymous said...

yummy cookies!
The shadow one, you're left thinking along the lines of "is that a chain or a necklace??" And the crystal lamp one isn't quite so special if you don't recognize it as your grandma's lamp. The flowers? They're fine, but won't lots of other people be entering flowers?

Great pics, btw

The Von Eight said...

Let us know which one you pick!

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Well cookies got the most votes, but Steph (my advier on photograph matters) says it doesn't have a good vocal point... so I don't know what I'm going to do yet..

Lill said...

I suppose Stephanie knows best but I like the cookie picture. It looks like something from a cooking magazine!

I also think the chain\necklace thing is cool.In my opinion the cookie one looks the most "professional".

Anonymous said...

I like the shadowing one the best.

(Email me!)


Anonymous said...

The crystal lamp or the shadowing one.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I sent in the Cookie one. I;et you all know how it went :-) Thanks for the help!



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