Monday, June 23, 2008

Sometimes Even I Shock Myself...

(Note: Italics are what I'm thinking, and what I assumed other people were thinking.)

ME: "Oh look, some person forgot to pick up their drivers license at the library front desk... I guess I'll find his number, lets see... Bruce R. Smith." *dials number*

GUY: "Hello?"

ME: "Hi, is Robert there?" Robert? Robert? Where on earth did that come from??

Guy: "Ummm..."

Me: "I mean Bruce, is Bruce there? I actually meant Bruce, I just said Robert for some reason...umm..." Come on Lydia, salvage the situation...

Guy: "Actually, it's Bruce Robert." This is one weird lady...

ME: "Oh, really? That's funny, I didn't even know that, I just saw the R. and assumed you're middle name was... not that I was going to call you be your middle name. (Rabbles on and on...) Well umm... this is the library and umm, yeah."
I'm such an idiot sometimes


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean! Did the guy get his license?! Hope so! Love you and can't wait to see you at the conference!

Anonymous said...

don't feel too bad. i've done similar things before. the worst was when i was making a call to place an order for first fruits and suddenly forgot where i was calling from. all i could think of was the barbershop in seward - and i KNEW i wasn't in seward. i was sooo embarrassed because in all seriousness it took me a full minute (that is a REALLY long time if you think about it) to remember i was calling from first fruits.


Brianna said...

It's ok Lydia...I totally sympathize!!

Nicky Story said...

LOL - that was funny.

Erica said...

Ok. I'm at the library. You're not supposed to burst out in hilarious laughter at the library!

THAT IS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. I'm laughing my head off.

Way to go, Lyds.


Moriah A. said...

LOL!!! I do that ALL the Time!! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

LOL! oh that's hilarious...I love you lyds. :D that's great....that's just great. I love it that you make me laugh



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