I've been watching...
"That's why you love me, never a dull moment!" ~Bobbi
I've been reading...
Fletcher and Dy are a hoot and a half!
I'm reading an educational book just for the fun of it!! *is very proud of self*
I've been Writing (trying to at least) ...
I've been playing/singing...
From Prince of Egypt
I've been thinking about...
This quote from Amazing Grace
A hoot and a half fun post my dear. What did you think of the Foyle's war last night??
It was so SAD!
How could anyone kill a little boy??
YOU LIKE ROGER TOO???? I think he's the BEST:D:D I like all of those movies/shows. Well I guess I haven't seen Foyles War... But if it has Roger I know I like it already!!
I've never read any of those books. Are they good?
Nice post:D
Isn't 'Eats Shoots & Leaves' fun? I'll email you soon... Tell you what's up with me lately. *smile*
Tara's really cute in that pic! :)
fun post! I liked it a lot. But Roger on the other hand....uh...;D JK..mostly.
"Kill a little boy"? Foyle's war sounds too sad and emotional for me...
Oh? Writing? Short stories? Really? Like what? Maybe I can spitball with you and break down that writer's block. You know, it's really not that complicated.
Well, last summer ther library had a writing contest for middle and high-schoolers. I won 2nd place last year in the short story part and I'm hoping to do it again this year, so I've been toying around with some ideas... nothing much.
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