Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Conversation With S.B.

Lydia whatcha doing’?

I’m writng.

Writing what?

My story.



*pulls on lap*

“Well sweetheart, you know how Becca makes flowers pretty, Stephie takes pictures, Katie plays pretty music, Susie paints pretty pictures, Debbie reads lots of books and is smart and Joe build things, and Lukie plays football?

*nods head*

“Well Lyddie writes stories.”

“Otay… *thinks* What do I do?”

“You makes our lives happy and are our Princess.”

“I think when I drow up I will cook.”

I guess we have the family chef :-)


Cassandra said...

That was adroable, Lydia! You have so many brothers and sisters!

Katie said...

Rebecca is the chef/florist of the family. I'm willing to bet that Sarah with be the nurse.

Laura said...

Awww... so cute!

Abigail said...

That's too cute! =)

hermitgirl said...

very cute! :>

Kristi said...

I wouldn't mind having one of my kids grow up to be the cook!



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