Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Life is Best Served With Chocolate"

Right now I am wearing Chocolate Perfume.
I'm dead serious, it smells like chocolate.
If you're worried about my sanity,
I didn't spend any money on it.
Rebecca got a sample of it,
she said I "Was the only
person I know who
is crazy enough
to wear it."

Chocolate perfume?


Rebecca said...

i'm pretty sure i didn't say you were the only person "crazy" enough...

Laura said...

YUM!!! I have this glittery body balm stuff that smells like chocolate :)

Cassandra said...

Yum!!! Chocolate perfume! Sounds fun! :D

Katie said...

Not saying you are crazy or anything....but I think that would would wear something that smells like chocolate!!

Erica said...

Weird...I'll give you my opinion this weekend. =)

Kristi said...

I'm sure you smell good, regardless. :-)



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