Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday

These people
a.)kiss me
b.)hug me
c.)take over my room
d.) stay longer than planed
e.) and tease me within an inch of my life

But I'm still thankful for them.
Ladies and Gents my Grandparents:

Just so you know, I'm their favorite granddaughter
(Who is 17.)


Julia said...

Awww, that's nice. :)

Thanks for entering my jewelry giveaway! :)


Julia said...

Oh, and RYC,
I can change the earrings into clips if you'd like. :)


Erica said...

I like those people too. =)

I miss you!

Anonymous said...

You're sweet, Lydia! :)

(I really just comment on your blog to tell you things. Have you noticed how my comments aren't related to your posts?)

I wanted to tell you about this:
They're having a "Modesty Blog Fashion Show," and I thought of you and your sisters, because you all dress (from the pictures I've seen. :) so beautifully. See you soon!

Elizabeth said...

Lydia.... :D



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