Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Was Babysitting Tonight...

...and I played on a Wii.

(Or is it played a Wii? Played a video game on a Wii? Just plain played Wii?Anyway...)

I didn't win.

Actually I was beaten pretty badly.(Insert "slaughtered")

By a 7 year old.


Erica said...

I always just said 'played the Wii.' Who knows...

I want a Wii. Bad. I fear there are more productive ways to spend my money, however. *sigh*

Are you babysitting those kids while I'm visiting? *looks hopeful*


Cassandra said...

I love my Wii. I play Wii Fit on it every day and it has been training me to do a 30 minute run.


Sydney Smith said...

Don't feel bad, I am horrible at video games, always have been. My brothers always beat me-insert annihilate completely-

Anyways have a good week!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Wii!!!!!

*nods head*



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