Friday, February 27, 2009


I love the name Jack.

It's a name of heroes like Jack Hudson from Sue Thomas F.B. Eye
Jack Kelly from Newsies

Jack Derwood from Derwood Inc.

and Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean (hate the hair)

There's also girls with names like Jack:
Djaq from Robin Hood

But I still haven't mentioned my favorite.

Jak, my sister.

Love you! Happy birthday!


Rachel said...

That was really sweet. And you guys look so much alike! Huh, you must be sisters!

Rebecca said...

oh! so sweet! thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love the name Jack too! I love how "Djaq" spell's her name! Its fun:)

Erica said...

Fun post!

Anonymous said...

Great post and happy birthday, becca!

P.S. You consider Jack Kelly a hero? :D

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Jack Kelly is a hero before Jack Sparrow is. IMHO

Anonymous said...

I am slightly confused..

Why do you call your sister Jak, if her name is Rebecca?



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