Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Year+ New Title+ New Backround=New Blog

What do y'all think?

Any suggestions for me about what I should do with my blog? Do you like it the way it is? Should I write on more serious subjects? More silly ones? Post more pictures? Write more about my life?

I'm optimistically open for opinions :-)


Anonymous said...

Post more pictures :) I'm a picture-a-holic.

And I LOVE the new look. Very cheerful and exciting and hopeful and happy.

Anonymous said...

FUN! I love it:) More pictures totally!! The background is so cute!

Rachel said...

Hi, I just took a peek at your blog, and I think I'm pretty much hooked. I think we have a similiar...mindset. Too deep? Outlook? View? Either way. We think alike, and believe alike, too, I think. You seem to love Jesus, and I KNOW I love Jesus!! (What's not to love about a God who cares for you, is merciful to you, and forgives you when you are truly sorry?!) Oh, plus you like Louisa May Alcott's book, An Old Fashioned Girl. Without a doubt, top of my list! So, had enough from a girl you know nothing about?

Cassandra said...

Lydia, I LOVE your blog!!! I read it and you're an amazing writer and your posts are fun to read. Just thought I'd share!
~CASSIE (from TWE)



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