Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Better Late Than Never

A week ago was S.B.'S 3rd birthday. Captions above pictures.

Our Princess

She expertly unwrapped her many presents.

Most were clothes.

An apron from Katie. I love this picture.

"Mom, it has POCKETS!

There were some books from Mommy and Daddy

Her favorite present was her dolly.

Hugs all around.

Blow out the candles!

One happy 3 year old.


Anonymous said...

Aww! She is SO cute! I love the apron! She's getting really big!!

Cassandra said...

Oh, my gosh! You sister is ADOREABLE!!!!

Laura said...

So cute!!!

Kristi said...

I definitely am liking the apron. Great choice of pattern & color!
Happy birthday S.B!

Incomplete said...

hey, did you and joe get our Email? If not go and check the Sig* Girls Corporate Email
(we don't have either of your edress, if you have them)



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