Monday, March 23, 2009


The Good News: Today is my birthday. Ta-da!

The Bad News: I've been dreading this particular birthday for a long time.

The Good News: I'm an adult now, and I get to vote.
The Bad News: In the adult world you have to work on your birthday. Rats.

The Good News: I have a spring birthday.
The Bad News: It's a rainy, windy, and generally bleak day.

The Good News: I have Facebook now! If you have it and want to friend me you can!
The Bad News: Facebook is CONFUSING!

The Good News: I've had my promise ring for 2 years and I haven't lost it.
The Bad News: I have come very close to losing it a pitiful amount of times.

The Good News: Studies show that the more birthdays you have the longer you live.
The Bad News: I bet they paid somebody to study that.

The Bittersweet News: I'm 18.


Elizabeth said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Lydia!

(I think it's all good news. :)

Abigail said...

Happy Birthday Lydia!!! =)

Unknown said...

Hehe, Happy Bitter-sweet Birthday Lydia! =)


The Von Eight said...

Happy birthday!


Mac said...

The sun came out!!!! I don't really get what your promise ring has to do with anything...except to confuse your readers... Happy Birthday! And I agree with ^Elizabeth It's ALL good!

Kristi said...

Happy, happy birthday, Lydia!

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns of the day :)

Julia said...

Happy Birthday Lydia!!!!
Hope you had a great one, despite having to work. :(


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYDIA!!!! Have a great one:D

Rachel said...

Happy 18th birthday!!


An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Thanks Everyone! My day was brightened by all of your kind and thoughtful well-wishes!

(Boy, did that sound like a greeting card or what???)

huntinguy said...

One more month, and I'll be 18 too. Happy birthday!

Sheila said...

Awww, happy Birthday Lydia!

Cassandra said...

Congratulations and HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday!!!!!

I hope that it's more on the sweet side of 'bitter-sweet'



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