Tuesday, March 3, 2009

*Gasp of extreme joy*

Monique:"Lydia, Sarah Beth is here! Your little sister is SO cute!"

*Proud Smile*

"Yeah, I know."

I climbed off the stage, go to S.B. and give her a hug.

Katie W.:" Hi Sarah!"

*Sarah hides her face in my shoulder*

Katie W.: "Oh my word Lydia, she is SO adorable!"

*Proud smile*

"Thanks, we think so too."

I put Sarah down and cross the auditorium.

*Another gasp of extreme joy*

Katy J.:"Lydia is Sarah Elisabeth here?"


"Oh GOOD! She is the Cutest thing ever!"

*Yet another proud smile*

Repeat 4 or 5 times and you'll get the general idea of my afternoon.

Apparently my little sister has a fan club... my friends.

I'll be in sunny Florida until next Wednesday. See you (on the blog sphere) then!




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