Thursday, March 12, 2009

This Says It All.



Alissa said...

I am wearing a shirt right now that says almost exactly that. It's one of my favorite T-shirts. =) I can relate to that quote so well.

Cassandra said...

That's so funny! Do you mind if I use that image as a gadget on my blog?

Thank you for the comment about my sister. I'm sure that yours is adorable as well. But I won't believe her to be cuter unless I see a picture. :D

Love and Blessings!

Julia said...

Hi Lydia,

Funny! :D Where did you get that? I have that exact picture on my blog right now! :D Isn't that hilarious? The quote is kind of confusing. :) I asked Miss Jocelyn, who made it, if I could use it and she said I could. :)


Anonymous said...

I have those days....:)

Julia said...

That's all right, Lydia! :) I don't mind that you used it... it's actually Jocelyn's picture... but *perhaps* you could just ask if you'd like to use something of mine in the future. :)

I love your blogging! It always inspires me, makes me laugh, and other pleasant reactions. :) Keep up the great work! :)




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