Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thankful Thursday #7

Today I am thankful for two girls who are two of the best friends a girl could have.

They also (conveniently) have their birthdays on the 6th and 7th of August.

I love you girls and I am so thankful God gave you to me!

"From this day forth Elizabeth you must be a stranger to one of your parents. Your Mother will never speak to you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never speak to if you do."


Kourtney Ann said...

Haha! I love that last one!!
They are very sweet girls!!
Have a great Thursday!

P.S. Could you please invite me to "The Blank Page"! *Pleading look*

Anonymous said...

Beautiful girls! (and a uh...guy)
I'm immensly thankful for this one too!

Erica said...

Aww....Thank *you!*

I quite agree, Debbie is one of the best friends a girl could have.

And so are you.

Thanks for loving me even though sometimes I'm nasty and sometimes I'm weird. You stick with me, and that is so awesome.

Julia said...

I love the last photo! :D What an...ah...interesting Mr. Collins. *giggles*
Good friends are such a wonderful blessing. :)

May I see what is on the 'blank page'? is it really blank? :)

Lydia, you've been awarded a "Kindred Spirits" Award! See my blog for details. :)


Lady Dvora said...

Aww Lyds I'm honored.....
See you in a WEEK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another lovely thankful thursday! I think they are very wonderful young lady's! I've only met Debbie once but she was so nice! I love friends!!

I would love to see "The Blank Page" blog! If youd don't mind!

Brianna said...

Very cute Lydia! :-)How ya doing?

Anonymous said...

If my birthday had been the 8th, I would have been included, wouldn't I? :D



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