Saturday, August 30, 2008

All Good Things Must Come to and End

The LAST Foyle's War came in the mail yesterday via Netflix.


On the bright side, we had a girls night last night and (much to the despair of the boys)
watched North and South straight through!

Thankfully Luke shows no ill-effects this morning:-)


Julia said...

Hi Lydia!

Thanks for your comment.
What is Foyle's war about? I haven't heard of it.

I love your blog. I always find something neat on it!


Kourtney Ann said...

I really like Foyle's War!
I've only seen two shows, but I enjoyed them both very much!
I've never seen North and South, but I hear (from the W---d girls) that it is very VERY good. Thay are always going on and on about it.

hermitgirl said...

here's this, what is North and South and what's Foyle's War about. I understand also. I've watched the last Sue. *g's probaly going to have to come to exit me off, i'm tearing so much*

Katie said...

North and South is a must see!!!!!



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