Saturday, December 1, 2007

Saturday Mornings

Saturday morning, I love my Saturday mornings. I do one of my favorite things on Saturday mornings. I look forward to doing it all week. My shrieking alarm wakes me up at 7:15 on week days I roll over and push the snooze, and I daydream about Saturday morning, the day I do not set my alarm. The morning I SLEEP IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, sleeping in is one of my favorite things to do. I know you are all laughing at me, and thinking me terribly lazy, but think what you like. I enjoy my sleep.

So last night Mom told us we had to move wood this morning before it snowed, so that means, no sleeping in. *sniff* *sob* So I wasn't exactly happy about it when Mom woke me up this morning. I really don't like moving wood. But I kept on thinking about the convention. One of the meetings we sang a song about rejoicing in the Lord, and I'd decided when we were singing that the point of the song, at least to me, was that if you rejoice in all circumstances, it will all work out, so I decided to try it out this morning. Now I wasn't terribly happy, but I didn't complain, even inside. Complaining inside is my normal occupation during wood moving. So at first, it was pretty hard, I had to work all by myself in the basement and it was moving really slow, besides the fact that Luke almost hit me with wood a couple of times. There was only Mom, Luke and Debbie upstairs, Joe and Susie were over at the neighbors, covering their roses so they wouldn't freeze, Dad's leg is hurt so he couldn't help. The moving process was going veeeeeeeery slow, But we plugged away. It had started to snow, when our neighbor got home, (remember 'the biologist' Wood girls?) well, he saw us in all our pitifulness, and offered to help. Do you know how much help a young strong guy who likes hard work is??? Lots and Lots of help, thank you Lord for Mr. Morse. Sisters came over about half way through and then we really flew and believe it or not we finished the load of wood in about 2 hours. Now we have a whole Saturday to do just as we please. Well, we can't sleep, but, we can watch old movies together and drink hot coco. Well, if we have any that is.

Sorry this is so long, I always get an urge to write when it storms, the problem is my wrists always hurt when it storms too. I guess my point is, when I'm happy about things, they go better. That's what I learned this morning. Very fundamental lesson, but a very true one.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're having a lovely Saturday, Lyds. And such a true lesson learned. I need to remember that one more often!

I was iced in this morning, so I couldn't go to work, and I've had such a lovely morning at home! I got on the prayer conference line, studied for my entomology class, did some laundry, cooked breakfast, and spent time with sisters.

And I have so much more planned for this afternoon: read Scarlet Pimpernel, bake, watch a movie, play Clue with Mom and sisters, cook supper, and clean my room!

Thanks for such a cheery, uplifting post! I like stormy Saturdays at home, too! :)

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Sounds like fun Aud! I wish I could be there with you! What is entomology class? That reminds me I should study my chemistry today...

Kristi said...

It's so great when we get ahold of something that we know God wants to do in us and see the blessing of obeying Him! Well done!

Kourtney Ann said...

I know what you mean! I find I have to overcome allot more than I want to. Maybe that's because It wouldn't be overcoming if I wanted to do it:D Oh well. I'm glad you pushed through your troubles, and had the satisfaction of knowing you could and you DID!!!! Have a terrific weekend.

Erica said...

I just realized why we're such good friends. You encourage me, I encourage you. (At least, I hope I've ever encouraged you!)

Oh, the biologist. Oh! Oh! And yes, I have his picture saved in my "my pictures" folder. And no, I don't want any Sigwarth girl above the age of seventeen to comment, because they'll only say that I'm a goose.

Convertibles, girlfriends (oh, he got married, didn't he), and biology.

What a life.

Anonymous said...

"'member the biologist Wood girls?"

WHAT? Of COURSE I remember the biologist...:)



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