Wednesday, April 30, 2008

(Drum Roll Please)

"Laaaadies and Gentleman. it is my personnel pleasure to announce to you that Lydia Margret S. has completely read her Bible in a totally in only 90 days!!"

That's right boys and girls.

All 66 Books.

All 1,173 Chapters.

All c. 30,879 verses.

And all (well mostly all) c. 968,145 words.

Lets just say I'm a little proud of myself...


Alissa said...

Great job, Lydia!! How did you do it that quickly?

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I had it all mapped out and did it with my church and family, so I had a great support group :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay!! I meant to ask you if you got it all finished up...

I just started this week so...wish me luck! :-)

Abigail said...

Way to go Lydia!
My dad and I started a week later so I have 7 days to finish the Bible!
Hey Lydia, I have a blog now.

Anonymous said...

YAY! Great job!!!
Oh, and I tag you:)

Sheila said...

Awesome!!! I did that last summer, but I had a friend visiting, so even though we were reading together a lot, it still took me 113 days. Still, not bad!

Moriah A. said...

Awesome Lydia!

Sydney Smith said...

WOOOHOOO! I'm so glad for you! Kuddos! By the way I really enjoy reading your blog.

Many Smiles


Mac said...

I tagged you!!!!!!!!



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