Monday, April 7, 2008

It seems to be the thing to post today...

Who are you in Anne's circle of friends?
Who are you in Anne's Circle of Friends?

Now back to my non-fiction life...
Peter Pan was amazing, tons of fun!! And to boot, I didn't mess up too bad*is pleased with self*. Except when I threw my teddy bear over the set, and had to try to get someone of stages attention so they could get it to me, while keeping in character, thank goodness Heather noticed and found Teddy before it was too late. These are the only pictures I have for you right now, Nena hasn't uploaded hers yet, this is from another mom's photobucket.

Sorry I'm so blurry... I was jumping up and down. Left to right Heather as John Darling, Katie as Mrs. Darling, Deborah as Wendy Darling (you can see her nose) Ethan as Mr. Darling, and me as Michael Darling.

This is Wendy and I comforting Nana (Becca Hall.)

Joe and some of the other Indians, he died twice in two hours, once as an Indian and once as a pirate.
The lost boys (all played by girls) are below. Left to right First and Second Twin (Kayla and Elizabeth) Tootles (Sara) Curly (Jessica) Slightly (Monique) and Nibs (Lillie). You can see Deborah W. up on top on the set, she played the Bird who saved Peter from drowning. As to our beautiful set.. Susie painted it and I think it's stunning!

That's all I have for now, I'll post some of Nena's soon:-)


The Von Eight said...

Fun pictures, Lydia! I'm so glad I got to go and see you; it was lot's of fun! Love, Hanna

Erica said...

I wish *I* could've seen it!!! Pictures will have to do...bring the video when you come, okay?

You look fantasticly fat!


Kourtney Ann said...

You were SO cute!!
I'm sure you played your part SPLENDEDLY!

SUSIE painted the set!?!?!?!?!?!?! It's WONDERFUL!!!! And you can tell her I said so! She paints amazingly well! How long did it take her to paint it?

Gotta fly! HAHAHA I didn't realize how fitting that was :D

Love and God bless

Anonymous said...

So much fun, Lydia! Thanks for posting pictures--I can't wait to see more. :)

Anonymous said...

Post more pictures, please! And I second Erica's idea...Please, please, bring the video with you when you come!



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