Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ha Ha Ha

This blog has been hacked by a dangerous ex-con who is out to destroy the blogosphere :)

P.S. it wasn't Erica

P. P. S. Love Ya Lyds

P.P.P.S. you can change your password now .


Lady Dvora said...

ex-con???? Excuse me, Young Man???

ANd considering YOU want a blog I doubt you're out to destroy the blogosphere!

Anonymous said...

I had heard that someone got ahold of the password, but I never thought he'd be so blatant as to actually hack the blog!

My goodness!!!


Kourtney Ann said...

Tisk tisk!

Anonymous said...

Erica, your next

HA HA HA HA (that was suposed to sound evil)

-the ex-con/dangerous/goofy hacker



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