Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Unexpected

It's not like I have an official list or anything, I doubt anyone does, but, there are certain things I never expect to do in my life, things that could happen, sure, but I'm not expecting to do them. For example, bungee-jumping, I don't think I will ever go bungee-jumping, just not me, but it's possible, that someday in the future, a wild craving for it might come upon me, and I'll go do it, then I'll scream my head off and vow never to do it again.

Like I said there's no official list but last night I realized in the past week I did two things that would be on the list, if there was one.

I never expected to watch a silent film and split my sides laughing, and last night, I did just that. True, my only experience with silent films is from watching the end of The Jazz Singer (a half talkie half silent, I thought it was dumb). That and "The Royal Rascal" from Singin' In the Rain:

"I hear a footstep."
*fights a bunch of guys and does heroic things*
"Phillipe!" *dramatic kiss for the end*

Needless to say, I've never been impressed. But last night TCM (we call it the old movie channel) was playing movies with famous train scenes in them, one was a silent from 1927 called The General about a would-be spy for the rebel army. He was the klutzy Barney Fife type who kept us laughing the whole time. Every time I laughed I was thinking, I can't believe I'm laughing, this is so corny, but it was enjoyable, and we had a nice time making fun of "Barney" and his total stereotype D.I.D. (Damsel In Distress.)

The other unexpected event in the past week was Saturday night when Mom and Dad took me out for my birthday (it's tradition to take us to a nice restaurant for our 17th.) Dad ordered Escargot as an appetiser. For you who know what that means, yes, it's snail.

I ate snail.
Still trying to get over that one...


Kourtney Ann said...

Haha! I love that last bit!!!:D
Ya, I know what you mean about "The list". There are several things that I don't think I'll do. And I think eating snails is one of them:D

Anonymous said...

aaahhh...The General. The best silent movie ever :) It still cracks me up every time the way he stuffs her in that it. I died laughing when we watched it, too :)

Erica said...

The General is a hoot! It was a long time ago when I first saw it, but I remember that I could not stop laughing!

Have you tried squid? That was also a long time ago, so I can't really remember what it tasted like...but I remember being pretty apprehensive when Dad ordered it. :)

Someday, Lydia, let's go bungee-jumping together. I think I'd like that.

Anonymous said...

Eww! snail! that sounds overly disgusting! Did it taste good? I love the movie "Singing in the rain"!

Lady Dvora said...

Stuff the girl in the bag! and then let them pile boxes on top of her!! That was really funny! Fun Post Lyds!

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Well Kayla, it was smothered in sause, so I couldn't really taste the actual snail, the texture was a bit ike shrimp, you know, slimy...

Merry, I loved when the girl couldn't put the break on, and then she made it go backwards and the poor guy was running up and down that hill... priceless!

If you REALLY want to go Erica... I'll think about it...

Moriah A. said...

I can't even imagine how that chef managed to cook that snail! I would not want to touch it unless I didn't know what it was! I don't mind bugs-but snails and grubs I can not STAND!I would want to eat snail even if someone paid me-but I have eaten squid and it was good!

DaveWick said...

Oh Lydia! You must, I say you must see more of Buster Keaton. One of the finest silent film actors in history and later went on to appear in TV series and scripted movies as well.



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