Monday, April 14, 2008

My Darlin' little Person:-)

Now that Peter Pan and my chemistry classes are done, I have WAY more time at home. Time I can spend with my kidies watching their antics:-)

Like this one this morning.

Can anyone say blueberry pancakes?

Or this this evening when I was cutting up a pepper for the salad. S.B. was sitting on a stool by the counter next to me, suddenly I felt her arms about my waist.
"Eia? I laba 'u"
*kisses my cheek*

"You want a red pepper don't you?"

If you ask me, that's adorable.
Daddy got her her very own pinafore. I think she looks so thoughtful in this picture, very grown-up.

Then this evening she and Luke wanted to play outside. Luke wanted me to take pictures of him like he was a pro and I was him publicist or something. I could never seem to get the ball in the picture though...
S.B. was busy with her own ball and bat especially pick out by herself.
She soon found out the ball was to big for the bat and contented herself with "I-a-catch-a-da-ball"
Then she found a better ball, and was very excited about it!
So what about me? What am I up to? Well I've had 3 different people ask me today if I was alright. Mom was really concerned, she kept asking me, and Susie said I looked unusual. I guess this morning I looked very pale, and this afternoon I looked quite flushed, I feel fine, so I don't know. I do admit I was quite thoughtful today, I just had some interesting thoughts. I wonder if it's really all that unusual for me to look as if I'm thinking?

As long as I already have a really long post...

Do you like the new background and profile picture? The name of the background is "Old Fashioned Blogger Template" so I thought it fit :-)


Katie said...

Sarah is adorable!

But umm.. I'm not in any of your favorite people pictures. If you don't like me, just say so! :(

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

ha ha ha, I'm not done with that part yet.. I'm going to add a S. fanily picture and a picture.

Anonymous said...

I like the background, and I love the profile picture!!! I even rememer taking it :)
yeah, I'm with Katie because, I'm not in your favorite people either...I guess we're the outcasts, Katie? ;)

Mac said...

I really like the new background! And you DID look strange that day. and I love the babies!

Lady Dvora said...

Ditto Katie and Merry!! Well, let us keep a stiff upper lip and be outcasts together!!!

Erica said...

haha! Debbie is making me laugh. Go ahead, keep your stiff upper lip; see if I care. I made it onto the sidebar. So, ha!

Fun post, Lyds. I love you!

Kourtney Ann said...

I love your post and your background AND your profile pic!
It's all very you-ish (to quote somebody that I know;) )

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Just to make you all happy I added a picture of us from Thanksgiving.. now if a W____ would be so good as to send me a family picture, and one of my sister could send me one of Ty and Shan's family, and Kourtney could send me one of her... you can all be happy:-)



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