Sunday, October 12, 2008

Narnian Humor, Just Because I Felt Like It

This struck my funny bone rather hard, I think I must be slap happy.


Katie said...

I think it's hilarious!

Lady Dvora said...

I liked the joke: It's a shot of all the kids in the Professor's house, and the caption says: Only Skander thinks you lay under the chair...or something like that..:)

Anonymous said...

I think I missed the punchline...but Edmund under a chair always has the potential to be funny :)

hermitgirl said...

I missed the punch line too. and it took me forever to get it was even Narnia. But I like that scene and can't wait for PC to come out!

Katie said...

It's supposed to look like he's a mechanic. He's under a "car" looking to see if he can figure out what's wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with the engine, he had some other ideas as to what the problem might be. Does that help.



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