Sunday, October 5, 2008

Your Vote Counts!!!

It happened again.
I got bored with my profile picture.

So I've been trying to take self-portraits lately.

Most of them were fuzzy
or blurry,
or I had a weird look,
or a big zit.

But a couple of them were decent.

So vote and tell me which one you like the best!

1.) The normal self-portrait. Me looking decidedly away from the lenses.

2.) A Classic Happy pose although it was hard to act natural with Erica holding the camera a foot from my face saying "Act natural! That smile is SO fake!"

3.)Me attempting to be artistic. Notice my pretty hair, I spent an hour and a half on it.

4.) Erica's favorite of the lot. Notice my not pretty, but nether the less interesting hair.


Mac said...

I vote for one or four!

Kristi said...

I like 2 or 4. They have lots of character.

Katie said...

I like the one you have up right now. I like 1.

Erica said...


No question about it. Four is artistic and unique and quirky and fun and everything you could ever hope for in a profile picture. And as an added bonus, I took it!

Unknown said...

Two! Two! Two all the way! :)


Julia said...

One! One! DEFINITELY ONE! :) 4??? uhhhh....well, I's better than 2...3 was okay, but really I think One would make a better profile picture. Especially for people coming across your blog who don't know you in person. :) Just my po-onion!

Anonymous said...

2 or 4. Actually, I think 4.

(P.S. Don't you need a new blog subtitle? :D )

Abigail said...

1, all the way!!! :)

hermitgirl said...

what is with the one voters?!?!??!
Do you not realize this is a wonderful bedhead picture expressing scholarly or artisticly collegish thoughts? well if you don't understand what i'm saying, i don't, go with 4!!!!!!!

Lill said...

I agree with Katie. I like your current one. But, if I must choose I pick either 1 or 4 (although it doesn't really look "Old Fashioned"). Actually it reminds me of a rock star! :)

Anonymous said...

I like the old one too...

Lady Dvora said...

One definetly!!

Erica said...

Being as I took two of the four pictures, I must stand up for my artistry. :) Who cares if it doesn't look old fashioned? It's fun and interesting, and while it may seem a bit "rock star-ish," it's a good kind of rock star, no?

I laugh every time I see it, because it's so quirky and fun. But I guess it *is* a little crazy...maybe more my style than yours. That could be...considering that Lillie says it's a bit rock starish, and I'm the one standing up for pink hair and other such off-the-wall-ness.

Erica said...

(and by the way, thank you for discussing pink hair, tattoos, and words across the back of pants with me. I appreciate some back-and-forth discussion with you. :)

Anonymous said...

Self portraits will look way better if you take them outdoors in the shade. You just can't take good pictures indoors. Make sure you don't take them in broad daylight, because that's not flattering either.

Shannon said...

hey, lydia? it's NEVERtheless (all one word), not NETHER (meaning, lower parts, or belonging to the regions below) the less....though some of us might wish we had less nether about us... :)

um, interesting profile pic. your hair looks like you dyed it dark brown.



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