Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful Thursday #20

I am thankful for...


The best part is I bought them with a gift card, which is like free money,
which kinda means they're free shoes!!


Unknown said...

Free for YOU maybe... :P
Cute shoes!


Anonymous said...

Yay! :)

Kristi said...

Those ARE cute! Where did you get them?

Moriah A. said...

Those are so cute! I have black ones that are almost exactly like that pair!

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

The wonderful Target. I don't usually shop there but I love their shoes.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, Cuuute! I just got some a good deal like them. Black, with a buckle instead of a button, and no gathering. A little more classic and 1920s-ish. (Love the 1920s!)


Valerie said...

Very cute! Gift cards are the best gifts ever. :-P

Julia said...

Adorable! I love them!!

(don't you just love getting a new pair of shoes??) Then there's the problem that they kind of stack up in the closet...


Kourtney Ann said...

LOVE 'em Lyds!
I wish I had a pair!!!!



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