Monday, November 17, 2008

You Know You're From a Big Family If...

-There are pictures of your family in matching outfits
-You write your name on the bottom of your socks
-You go to the bathroom just to get some "alone time"
-You never say "I'm bored"
-You have valuable negotiating skills and have honed them from a very young age
-You know that just because someone says your sibling's name, it doesn't mean they're not talking to you
-You find creative ways to hide things you want to keep for yourself
-You've seen your mother walking laps around your property so she can get a few minutes of peace & quiet
-You shake your head in disbelief when you hear someone say they've never changed a diaper
-One sibling is getting on your nerves it's okay because you can just go hang out with a different one
-Strangers think that big sister is actually mom
-If you want some ice cream, you don't wait around to get some, because tomorrow it will be gone
-You wouldn't trade the fact that you have the opportunity to make a bunch of best friends that are stuck with you for life!
-Whenever your family goes out to eat the waiters always have to put tables together for you and when they do it is always in the back corner of the restaurant so as to keep your stereotypically rude family away from their other customers
-People continually comment that you could have a whole basketball team, or even better a baseball team
-You have laughed at all the cars that were stuck in traffic on the freeway while you flew by in the carpool lane
-Your mom is trying to say someone's name and she's already gone through 6 sibs' names, she probably is trying to remember yours
-You aren't worried about getting beat up at the playground, because if someone messes with one sibling they mess with ALL of you.
-You are proficient in cleaning up broken glass and ceramic and you can tell from the sound it made when it crashed whether the item dropped is fine, cracked, or broken
-You can hear a cry and tell whether the child is hurt, angry, sad or throwing a temper tantrum within 3 seconds
-You're walking around a store with little siblings and people assume they're your kids
-You start to pile out of the van, and your dad proudly turns to the people who's house you've just invaded and mentions something about the Normandy Invasion
-Your family can't fit in a mini-van
-Instead of learning from your own mistakes, you learn from your siblings'
-You are the shyest person in the world, but the loudest in your family
-Other people "don't understand how your mom does it"
-Your parents want you to do something, and they usually tell another sibling to tell you to do it
-You've gotten hand-me-downs from older siblings
-You routinely hide choice foods/leftovers so no one else will eat it all before you can get some
-You own enough books to start a library
-Your family has paid enough overdue fines to fund the building of a new library
-Picky eaters are not tolerated because mom simply does not have the time to prepare different foods for one child
-You go anywhere before 3:00 on a week day and people ask if your class is on a field trip
-You go looking to purchase a new appliance and the capacity is the only feature that really matters
-People continually ask you to repeat yourself after you told them how many children are in your family like they must have heard incorrectly
-Everything under the sun is discussed for an hour straight around the dinner table because everyone has to put their two bits in
-Your brother leans over your shoulder and corrects your grammar and spelling while you type on this site. (grrr!)
-You smile when people ask how many kids you have because you know when you answer they will repeat the number even more loudly to help themselves hear it
-Your family is referred to as a clan, pack, horde, gang or gaggle
- You invite your friend(s) over and they feel like they're a part of your family
-The invention of the wide-angled lens made your family portrait possible.
-Getting from one side of your living room to the other requires skillfully making it through an obstacle course of toys, coloring books (plus the spilled crayons), school books, extra chairs dragged in from other rooms, and small children
-You've been asked over and over if you're Mormon, Catholic or homeschooled
-You have to bribe the trash men to take all of your family’s garbage
-You take your driver's license test in a 15 passenger van
-You bring a friend who's an only child over for dinner and they just stare in shock, confusion and awe for 90% of the time!
-You are frequently compared to Russian dolls because you all look so much alike
-At your family reunions there are more cousins in your family than in all the others combined
-Everyone comments about how cute your daughter looks when you carry your three-year old sister around at Wal-Mart
-You shared a room with no less than three people for most of your childhood
-You have to squeeze four people in a row of seats in your van that was only designed to hold three
-You're 28 and you still have a few siblings under 6th grade
-You're closer in age to your mother than you are to your youngest brother
-You pull into a campground, and the neighbors start using their fingers to count how many are getting out of the car


Kristi said...

Hahaha! Ain't it the truth! And we only had 6 kids in our family. Great post!

Rebecca said...


BEEN THERE. DONE THAT. every single one, I think. :)

Julia said...

LOL!! HAHAHA! Lydia, this was a post among posts.

VERY hilarious. Does all this stuff really happen to you?

I only have 2 siblings, but one day I hope to have around 8 children. :D So my kids will probably suffer what you've just described. :)


Unknown said...

Hahaha! I am not in a large family, but I have definitely heard those. Very funny!! I enjoyed reading them a lot. :P I've heard most of those from people in big families.


Sunshine said...

Very funny but very true Lyd.

Lisa said...

That was SO funny!!! :D

We have a small local shopping centre and everyone either knows us or has heard of us it seems and we attend a church with families with and average of 8 kids, so we don't have so many of the outside comments any more, but it certainly reminded me of a few incidents. :P

It might just be cause I'm Australian, or maybe just ignorant, that I don't know, but what is a carpool lane?




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