Friday, December 28, 2007

New Backround

So I want to get a new backround, although I love the current one, which Erica wonderfully put up for me. I thought it was time for a change of scenery. I was looking on Pyzam and found three that I really like. I can't decide between them, so I thought I'd get you people's opinion.
Here's a flip-flop one:
A cute kiddie one:
And one with chocolate:

Tell me which one you think suits me the best.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Ever since I can remember we've watched "It's a Wonderful Life" on Christmas Eve. Whether we're in a lonely hotel room in a random town in "Kain-tuck", or home next to the fire on a snowy Wisconsin night, We always watch it. Not that we plan it or anything, it just always happens. Some people call "It's a Wonderful Life" depressing, but I don't. I love the part on the bridge, when George Bailey says "Please, God, let me live again." At that moment, it's starts snowing again. It makes me feel wonderful! It reminds one that no matter how small a difference one seems to make, one has still touched 100's of lives, if they know it or not.

George Bailey : What the...Ha, ha, ha, ha! My mouth's bleeding, Bert! My mouth's bleeding! Zuzu's petals... Zuzu... George Bailey There they are! Bert, what do you know about that!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"They always kneel down"

I'll admit it, I'm a romantic, I love movies and books where the right guy and right girl get married at the end. (Key words there right.) I mean who doesn't? Finding Mr. or Miss Right is a life journey, everyone does it, and there's a story to every couple's marriage. When/where they meet, first impressions, dating/courtship, who first knew, and my personnel favorite- the proposal. I LOVE proposals, romantic ones, funny ones, odd ones, old-fashioned ones, creative ones... I LOVE them all. A proposal is a big step that changes the rest of a person's life.

A few days ago, we were watching a movie, at the end the guy came riding up, jumped off his horse knelt in front of the girl and proposed, I, being me, became quite excited and cried, "HE'S KNEELING, HE'S KNEELING, I LOVE IT WHEN THEY KNEEL!" Of course, since I love proposals so much, I have a very solid opinion on what makes a good one. One of the great elements to a proposals is when he bends on one knee. It's perfect. Pouring rain is pretty neat too, roses are always good too (kudos to David.)

So, I'm ridicules, but, everyone has their quirks and hobbies. I just happen to like proposals. Everyone laughed at me when I yelled at the movie, but, like I said, I'm me.

On of my favorite proposels is from the 1940 film "Mrs. Miniver"

5 year old Toby: "Vin are you going to marry Carol?" (Note: Both Vin and Carol are present)

Mrs. Miniver: "Toby finish your dinner."

Vin: "Well Toby, I really..

Toby: "Well are you?"

Toby's older sister, Judy, about 8 years old:"Don't be silly Toby, people never propose at Dinner, it's not romantic."

Carol :"Toby, you forgot to ask me if I was going to marry Vin if he asked me."

Toby:" Well are you?"

Carol: "If he does"

Mrs. Miniver:"Toby, please finish your dinner."

Vin:"Well Carol, I was going to wait for a romantic time, like Judy said, but, oh well. Will you marry me?

She says yes of course:-)

Yes, I'm still here...

I know I haven't updated in awhile. Life has been pretty busy. Hopefully the holiday break will give me some time to catch up on school, laundry, housework and writing.

Not much news, I work at the library (which I love!!) Do school, Joe and I just finished homeschool choir, debate and speech. We compete in January, so we're looking forward to it. The big news is.... PETER PAN!! Mrs. Schmaedick picked the play for this year. We're doing the original play by J.M. Barrie, not the musical (thank goodness...) I'm very excited because I LOVE acting. The play is going to pretty much consume my life for the next 4 months. Auditions are the 1st week in January, so I'll keep you update as to what parts Joe and I get.

So I don't have any pretty pictures or funny stories to tell you, just wanted to do a quick up-date. God Bless You!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Ultra Condensing...

The Nancy Drew Series
By Carolyn Keene
Ultra-Condensed by Samuel Stoddard, David J. Parker, Chris Curtis, and Carol Curtis

Nancy Drew and her friends EAT. Her mother died when she was three.)
Nancy Drew, help me with this mystery.
Nancy Drew
Ok. Friends, let's talk about the mystery and eat food.
Hannah Gruen
Nancy Drew, be careful. Here, have a new car and an all-expenses paid exotic vacation.
Nancy Drew
Look. That guy I saw being rude before seems to be involved in this mystery. (Nancy Drew and her friends EAT. They find a CLUE. They EAT. Nancy gets CAPTURED, but she ESCAPES with information that SOLVES the mystery.)
Thank you, Nancy Drew. Have a reward.
Nancy Drew
No thanks.

Mission: Impossible II
Directed by John Woo
Ultra-Condensed by Faron P. Cedotal

Hi. We're--
John Woo
Enough plot development. Fight in slow motion. (People SHOOT and pull their FACES off.)
^That is soooo that movie. NO plot, NO character development.

Yes, this is from Rebecca's Blog

The Hardy Boys Series
By Franklin W. Dixon
Ultra-Condensed by Samuel Stoddard and David J. Parker
I'm the fair-haired rash one.
I'm the dark-haired studious one and a year older than Joe. (A MYSTERY happens. The Hardy Boys find a CLUE. They go to an exotic LOCALE with nothing but POCKET CHANGE and INVESTIGATE it. Chet Morton gets KIDNAPPED.)
Stop! You're not allowed in here! Oh wait, you're Fenton's boys. Let me give you a tour of our top secret restricted area. (The Hardy Boys witness a SHADY DEAL taking place.)
Our case seems to be related to the case our father is working on, just like last time. (The Hardy Boys suspect a SUSPICIOUS guy, but he turns out to be INNOCENT. They solve the CASE, and they capture the BAD GUYS.)
Encyclopedia Brown
By Donald Sobol
Ultra-Condensed by Samuel Stoddard
Alas. Something is wrong.
Encyclopedia Brown
Never fear. I will solve the mystery by employing my repertoire of obscure facts as a thinly disguised device for teaching kids educational information. (He does.)
The Collected Work of Jane Austen
By Jane Austen
Ultra-Condensed by Christina Carlson and Peter da Silva
Female Lead
I secretly love Male Lead. He must never know.
Male Lead
I secretly love Female Lead. She must never know. (They find out.)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
By C. S. Lewis

Ultra-Condensed by David J. Parker and Samuel Stoddard
We are sailing to find some random people. (They sail to a BAD place and escape. They sail to a GOOD place and have fun. They sail to a BAD place and escape.)
I hate this. Oh wait, I like it now.
I thought those we're funny... I'll post some MOVIES-IN-A-MINUTE tomorrow.

Monday, December 10, 2007

In Memory of Those Killed In Colorado Shootings

I don't like to think about death, just not a pleasant subject. But yesterday something happened that forced me to think about life and death, forced me to realise that every split second I live could be my last. A shooting occurred in a Colorado Springs CO. church, and someone I once knew was killed.

She's dead at 16. I hadn't seen her in over a decade, but I knew her. I've tried as hard as I can to recall her face to memory, but I can't. A young girl killed in the prime of her life, killed senselessly. She had years of life still to live, plans, dreams and goals, but a man engrossed by hate cut it short, because he was angry. The whole idea makes me sick, nobody is safe these days, it proves that being young and healthy doesn't protect you from death. What is going on?

I guess one just has to live each day as their last. Did they, I wonder? Were these two girls ready to die? We can only trust that God is in control, we can only trust that he has it always in his hands.

Thinking about death is something I avoid, but sometimes one just has to sit back and realise how fragile life really is, one has to thank God for every moment, every breath.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sutton Foster - Astonishing

I love this show, Little Women~ The Musical. Sutton Foster played Jo, when it was on Broadway, she's amazing, and this song is wonderful. Sorry about the bad camera work...

"Walk walk walk..."

"Good-bye, Said the Man, I will be back soon."

"Walk walk walk the Man walked down the road..."

So begins Sarah's Favorite book, I have it memorized. Originally named "Who Will Help?" or The Good Samaritan. It's a book intended for children just learning to read, so it has only 21 words.One of the pictures depicts "the man" right after he is beaten and robbed, Sarah always points at that picture and says "OWWWIE". Since the first time Sarah has read the book it has been called "The OWWWIE Book".

Last night at Katie's concert, a man played a horn to accompany the song. While he as playing Sarah turned to Mom and said "Man, Owwie, head, man owwie hair." The man was bald.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Saturday Mornings

Saturday morning, I love my Saturday mornings. I do one of my favorite things on Saturday mornings. I look forward to doing it all week. My shrieking alarm wakes me up at 7:15 on week days I roll over and push the snooze, and I daydream about Saturday morning, the day I do not set my alarm. The morning I SLEEP IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, sleeping in is one of my favorite things to do. I know you are all laughing at me, and thinking me terribly lazy, but think what you like. I enjoy my sleep.

So last night Mom told us we had to move wood this morning before it snowed, so that means, no sleeping in. *sniff* *sob* So I wasn't exactly happy about it when Mom woke me up this morning. I really don't like moving wood. But I kept on thinking about the convention. One of the meetings we sang a song about rejoicing in the Lord, and I'd decided when we were singing that the point of the song, at least to me, was that if you rejoice in all circumstances, it will all work out, so I decided to try it out this morning. Now I wasn't terribly happy, but I didn't complain, even inside. Complaining inside is my normal occupation during wood moving. So at first, it was pretty hard, I had to work all by myself in the basement and it was moving really slow, besides the fact that Luke almost hit me with wood a couple of times. There was only Mom, Luke and Debbie upstairs, Joe and Susie were over at the neighbors, covering their roses so they wouldn't freeze, Dad's leg is hurt so he couldn't help. The moving process was going veeeeeeeery slow, But we plugged away. It had started to snow, when our neighbor got home, (remember 'the biologist' Wood girls?) well, he saw us in all our pitifulness, and offered to help. Do you know how much help a young strong guy who likes hard work is??? Lots and Lots of help, thank you Lord for Mr. Morse. Sisters came over about half way through and then we really flew and believe it or not we finished the load of wood in about 2 hours. Now we have a whole Saturday to do just as we please. Well, we can't sleep, but, we can watch old movies together and drink hot coco. Well, if we have any that is.

Sorry this is so long, I always get an urge to write when it storms, the problem is my wrists always hurt when it storms too. I guess my point is, when I'm happy about things, they go better. That's what I learned this morning. Very fundamental lesson, but a very true one.

Friday, November 30, 2007

"One measly steak!"

"He would have killed you, or you would have killed him, over one measly steak!"

Ever seen "The Man who shot Liberty Valence"? Good movie, James Stewart, John Wayne, John Ford as director. So which one shot Liberty Valance you ask? Wayne or Stewart? Well, watch the movie...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Random Facts

I took these from "Encyclopedia Brown's 3rd book of Weird & Wonderful facts." by Donald J. Sobel.

Men who snore outnumber women 12 to 1.

Nearly twice as many men as women have to be rescued by lifeguards.

At the 1908 Olympics in London, England, U.S. track star Forrest Smithson won the 110-meter hurdles while carrying a Bible in his hand for inspiration.

The loudest snores in the animal kingdom are elephants, camels, sheep, cows, dogs, cats, gorillas, chimps, buffalo, and zebras.

Dead, 36 mosquitoes cover 1 square inch. Alive, 2 mosquitoes, free of enemies could produce enough offspring in 1 season to cover the earth with a layer of mosquitoes more than a foot deep.

Alphonso, King of Castile, hated the odor of garlic so much that in 1368 he passed a law to protect himself. No one who had eaten garlic could appear before him for at least a month.

In bygone days the feast at a Bedouin wedding was a marvel of stuffing. To start with, a fish was filled with eggs. The fish was then baked inside a chicken. The chicken became the stuffing of a whole sheep, which was roasted on a spit. The roasted sheep was sewn inside a camel, which was baked in a specially built oven. Gross.

Werner von Braun, the foremost German rocket scientist in WW II, failed both math and physics in high school.

The U.S. office of Education paid Boston University $219,592 to teach collage students how to watch TV.

First- born kids are usually the smartest, though they don't have as many friends as other kids. Last-born kids are commonly the most popular on the playground.

The Philadelphia Eagles gained less than 1 yard per rushing play for the entire 1940 season.

Albert Von Tilzer, who composed "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" in 1908, had never seen a baseball game and couldn't have cared less.

The nation's longest-overdue book was borrowed in 1823 from the U. of Cincinnati Medical Library. A work on febrile diseases, it was returned on December 7, 1968 by the borrower's great-grandson. He was not asked to pay the $2,264 fine.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


With so many people about it can be hard to make sure everyone knows everything. I couldn't count how many times I've forgotten to tell somebody something. Now we have a massage board. We talked about getting one for years, but, well, you know us...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Me and My Babies

The other night by some freak of nature everyone in the family was somewhere else for dinner. At first Mom and Dad were contemplating between going out to eat and staying home, but I told them to go out to eat, I'd watch Fun 1 and Fun 2. Yes Ladies and Gentleman, there were 3 and only 3 people eating that night.

And what did we have to eat, you ask. Well, what can I cook?

Yes, I know that's pitiful...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Secret to Life.

I really love Ben Franklin quotes. He was brilliant. He also had a knack for making fun of you without offending you. The man had a unique angle to the way he looked at life, a rare way but the correct one. This pretty much sums it up.

"Work as if you were to
live a hundred years.
Pray as if you were
to die tomorrow."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

They're at it again!!!!!!!!!

The Kendrick Brothers (Flywheel, Facing the Giants) are working on their new movie "Fireproof" set to come out August 2008. They're blog is I don't know about you. But I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Claims to Fame

Last Saturday night we meet Jeff Daniels (actor from Gettysburg, Fly Away Home, Because of Winn-Dixie etc.) He's not my favorite actor or anything, but I do like a few of his movies. He was here in town to do a show at the Center For The Arts, apparently he sings and plays the guitar. (As warning, his show wasn't family friendly.) So we went because Dad got free tickets and passes to meet him afterwards because Dad's a "friend" of the CFA. So we said greeted Mr. Daniels, I got his autograph, and that was it.

Big Deal.

Truly I feel no different since meeting a famous person. He of course , has forgotten all about meeting me by now, and by this time next year, I'll probably forget too. Maybe years from now when I get married and move out, I'll go through all my "junk" and find a tattered copy of a program with Jeff Daniel's signature scrawled on it and I'll remember. Or maybe I'll lose it and forget all together. So I said about 5 words to a celebrity. Big Deal!

I'm saying this because before the show I was excited, I was going to meet a movie star. After the advent I realised he was just a person, and not the greatest person either. Fame is temporary. Who 100 years ago will know who Jeff Daniels was?? If no one remembers him. What about me?What about when I've been dead for 50 years?? Will anyone remember me? It reminds me of a quote from Ben Franklin;

"If you would not be forgotten
as soon as you are dead
and rotten. Either write
something worth reading or
do things worth reading."

That's my new motto. I got to get going on that bestseller book:-)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My thoughts on ...acting

I love acting. Anyone who knows me well knows it. If I don 't get an opportunity to act in a long period of time I get restless. I just do.

I have always loved pretending, just ask my sisters, when I was 3 or 4 I threw my self a surprise birthday party, I played all the guest and myself as my sisters watched from a hidden place laughing at me.

When we lived in Dubuque we put on a few American Girl plays. Felicity twice, once with Rachel, Audrey, Erica and Merry, and once by ourselves. We also did Kirsten and Molly. I played the lead roll in Molly, rather interesting and NOT my best work. Felicity wasn't the only play we've done with the Woods, Little Women (Meg), Pride and P.(Mr. B.) , Austen Vignette's (Harriet), and Sense and Sensibility(Mrs. Jennings), we're played in various living rooms. Those productions have defiantly been my favorite.

Then, of course, there were the homeschool plays, amazing experience. My 3 lines in Anne of Anvonlea were precious to me. 3 lines, ouch, that was defiantly a cut to my pride. Then... there was last year... Erica knows especially about last year, one of the most difficult things I ever did. You see, I felt God just didn't want me in the play that year. Like I said, acting is very important to me, not acting in one of my few opportunities was like on of those black holes in space happening in my life (well it seemed like that at the time).

God had to do a lot of work in my heart around that time, I had quite a few priorities that weren't in the right places. I think God has something for me in my (possible talent) in acting, and I'd really like to use it for his glory. With acting you can be a completely different person, do things you won't usually do, make people laugh or cry, just by changing your tone of voice. Maybe I like it so much just because I can do fun things on stage that you can't do in public, and nobody thinks you're weird:-)

I'm not quite sure why I'm posting about this. Just what I was thinking about.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I'm sorry for posting nothing but videos. I promised myself after the 2 logic ones I'd stop, but I couldn't resist the video below. Amazing.

I've been really busy, but hopefully never too busy for all of you. I have a lot of posting ideas lined up, but most of them involve a camera, which is now at sister's house all the time and impossible to get to. Also when I do have time on the computer I've been enjoying our debate at Katie's Blog, fun, fun. I really think we ought to have a forum, just to have fun with.

Here's that thing everybody has been doing:
2. Lyddie
3. Henny

2. HennyMusgrove(youtube)
3.None other

1. my hair, sometimes
2. my smile
3.who cares...


1. German
2. Irish
3. English

1. Snakes
2. Messing Up, that's funny because I mess up all the time yet I'm really afraid of it...
.3. Being alone

1.Someone to talk to
2. my family/friends
3. God

1. Black skirt and shirt
2.ring and necklace
3. robe

1. Nichole Nordeman
2. Vivaldi
3. 40's musicals

1. I only get three?!?!?!?!?!??!?
2. no idea at all
3.ask me later...much later

1. actually finishing writing something
2. real acting
2. laughter
3.knight in shinning armour things
TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE1. I love Sarah B.
2. I love Lukie D.
3. I love chemistry! (my nose is growing)

Well I have to go, I guess you'll get the rest of it later:-)

7 year old sings National Anthem - Anthony Gargiula

Monday, October 15, 2007

Buy The Fallacy Detective

That's a fallacyyyyy....

You Might Be A Homeschooler If...

Your stacks of books to check out are taller than the librarian.
Your PE comes from chasing little toddlers around.
Your school bus is a 12 passenger van.
Your father has ever told the check-out lady at Wal-mart, "We're on a field trip."
Your social life is viewed by some to be one rung lower than that of a Benedictine monk.
The signatures on your diploma all end with the same last name.
The word 'homework' sounds like a foreign language.
Your yearbook is also your baby book.
A snow day means that you shovel the driveway after you finish your school work.
Health class consists of eating breakfast.
You have to decide what year you want to graduate.
The teacher can kiss the principal, and no one thinks it's unusual.
You get to school and the teacher asks you if you've done all your chores.
You have a bottle of water in your fridge labeled- do not drink, science experiment.
You have no clue how to use a calculator.


Friday, October 5, 2007

We're having a *sniff,sob* Great time with Audrey.

It was my Luke-a-boy, hunch, Yadie, Capuouano, Miser etc. 's birthday yesterday. My baby is 6 years old:-( ??????*sniff* As usual, we had a Wood here to celebrate with us. (BTW, Did you know an other Audrey Wood is a prize-winning bestseller children book authoress?)

Then today believe it or not. I ran in a race:o After Joe's meet they had a "fun run", where anybody can do it, mostly coaches and such. I ran the 2 mile path in 28:45.(No that's not hours/min.) I about died in the process but I made it to the end which was my goal. Right now I have a splitting headache, but I'm alive.

I realised the other day I never posted pictures of Civil War Day so I thought I'd grab a quick moment and post a few of the outfit we wore that day to make you all jealous:-)
First up, my baby,(of course.) Katie made this dress for her and I think she looks adorable in this picture. She really enjoyed the day and was a good girl.

Here's Mom and Susie. Debbie made Mom's dress it's a "Molly Gibson" style. Rebecca made Susie's a long time ago.

Here's Debbie with Joe's sword. She's wearing Rachel's authentic 1860's dress.

This is Lillie, Heather and I "crying" because our brothers have gone off to war. Lillie's brother wasn't there so she borrowed Luke for the afternoon. This is the only picture that I could find that has my skirt in it. Mommy made my skirt, start to finish, the day before. Thank you Mommy:-)

Our "Army". Katie made Joe's coat complete with brass buttons. Luke's is just his blue pants with gold braiding on the seams, a creation of Susie's.

We took my friend Heather and her sister Carrissa with us. Heather made her outfit, the bonnet too.

Aren't hats just wonderful fun? I love 'em and really wish they were in style.
We had an amazing time and learned a lot. The reactors there called it a "Living History Day", believe me, some days I wish I were living in history.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

People Put Anything on These Things

I've always laughed at these. Thought you might too.

Below is my personal favorite:-)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Inspired by a True Story

For English this week I was assigned to, "select one lesson I'd 'learned' or began to learn, as the result of a specific incident and write on it ." In other words, think of some dumb thing I did and write a story on it. Sadly quite a few blunders came to mind. I settled on the one below and finished my final draft this morning. Since you all like to tease me, I figured I could give you some material. BTW, I changed a few names to protect the innocent:-)

An Ordinary Piece of News... ~L.M.S.
…Told with the normal straight face and level voice. Sure, she was smiling, but anyone would think that was due to the fact that she was relating a pleasant article of intelligence, one I had been hoping would happen. As she would know, I believed her.
Later that day I told my sister with excitement.
“Lucy is going to be in my grade!”
“Really?” Deb seemed quite perplexed. “Why isn’t she going to graduate this year? Poor Girl. Who told you?”
“Mrs. S., Lucy’s mom told her. Lucy’s so much fun, I’d be sorry to see her go this year. I think she just wasn’t ready to leave home yet. Now we have two more play years together.”
My sister seemed satisfied with my information, but didn’t share my excitement; she was more prone to pity. Now, I’m not a person to gossip or to spread unconfirmed rumors, but I was excited that one of my favorite home school friends wasn’t going to move off sooner than I was ready for, so I shared it with a few people. All asked about the same questions as my sister, I was never doubted though, because I had it from an irreproachable source.
Now I wish I’d kept my big mouth shut, especially at Track a few days later.
“So Lucy…” I said as soon as I’d caught my breath after catching up to her. “I’m so pumped about the next two years; we’re going to have so much fun!”
“Yeah, I guess so,” She gasped as we rounded the turn. “I’m nervous about my senior year; I hope I don’t get a huge part, or a lot of lines.”
“Oh don’t worry,” I steered around a puddle from the recent rain. “You and I still got a whole year till we got to worry about that, it’s only our Jr. Year.”
A puzzled look crosses her face. That should’ve been ample warning for me but I plunged on.
“Yeah, I was practically giddy when I heard we were going to be the same grade, I couldn’t believe-“
“Lydia, what ARE you talking about?” She abruptly interrupted me and considerately slowed her gait. “Are you graduating this year with me? I’m a senior.”
“What?” I stopped altogether. “But… I… Didn’t… oops.” I suddenly felt quite warm and could sense my face reddening. “Oh, never mind, just ignore me.” PLEASE, I added under my breath. Thankfully just then the coach cautioned us to keep up with everyone else and hurry.
“Lillian Mae, did or did not your mom tell me Lucy was doing her Jr. Year again, thus coming back to my grade?”
“You mean about last week?” She gave me “the look.” “Don’t tell me… It was a joke, you knew that didn’t you? You believed her?? Lydia!”
“No further comments at this time.” I responded miserably to her pealing laughter.
As I set about setting all the people straight that I’d misinformed I was thankful I hadn’t told too many friends. I reflected on how gullible I could be, definitely something to work on. I now knew I needed to not believe quite everything I heard.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Britain's Got Talent- Paul & Connie

Now I'm not one of those people who gets obsessed with a reality TV show and goes on and on, and on about etc. I'm not that big on TV shows anyways, I like Andy Griffith, but he was in the 50's. Considering that I couldn't have watched this show if I'd wanted to, which I don't (want to) didn't that is, until Paul Potts showed up.

Think that's amazing? Check out the competition.

Monday, September 3, 2007

In Anticipation of a Most Happy Return


By Yours Truly

Sung to the tune of "The Ants Go Marching-w/adjustments"

Our Susie is coming home today,
Hurrah, hurrah,
Our Susie is coming home today,
Hurrah, hurrah,
Our Susie is coming home today,
She's been gone so very long,
And we're soooooooo glad,
She's coming back to us.

She was working at the First Fruits,
So far away,
She was working at First Fruits,
so far away,
She was working at First Fruits,
For four whole long weeks,
It's been so boring here,
poor us poor us.

Now we are so glad she's coming today,
We are so glad she's coming today,
I almost didn't survive while my Susie away,
But now she's coming back today.


Friday, August 24, 2007


Just thought I'd let you all know. I am going to really update one of these days... really. Right now I'm at my grand parents house. Today we went to my cousins first cheering at a Jr. Varsity Football game. We left at halftime just as it started to POUR! Those poor kids... Before that Grandpa took me to the driving range, to hit my first golf balls. Yes, I ACTUALLY did HIT most of them, not just empty swings, and one made it 80 or 90 yards. I think we're going tomorrow too. Maybe I'll get a picture.

I'm also up here to figure out what style hope chest I want. (Whenever one of us granddaughters graduates G&G gives us a hope chest.) We were looking for ideas online at this website there was one for $5,550! Goodness, don't you think that's a little much?? They have lots of cool antique trunks, check it out.

$5,550. I still can't get over it...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How well do you know the Bible??

I was surprised I did so well. How about you?

You know the Bible 98%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

Monday, August 13, 2007

And the Winner is...

"Guess the nummber of jellybeans in the jar and you could win a trip to....Hawaii!"


Okay, so it wasn't Hawaii, or jellybeans for that matter, but I did try to guess the number of candies in the jar at the book fair at our library.

Children's Librarian:" So you going to try?"

Me:" Yeah, I might as well, I've never won anything before in my life. You can always try! What have people been guessing at?"

C.L.:"I've heard a lot of sixties, I don't even know what's in there, I just dumped them in."

Me:*Counts for a moment* "Looks like more than that to me, I'll try...78."

Fast-forward to lunch today. Phone rings. I answer.

Me:"Hello?" (with my best british accent:-)

Library:" Hi Lydia? This is the Public Library, I just wanted to let you know you won our guess the number of candies in the jar game at the book fair!"

Me: *Faint*

Okay, so I didn't faint, but I laughed pretty hard and was sort-of dazed for a sec. it's not that big of a deal, but when you've never won anything your entire life, it's pretty fun. Actually I didn't guess it on the number, but I was the closest without going over.

I thought it was fun:-)

Monday, July 30, 2007

See You Later;-)

To avoid Erica posting for me again I thought I'd do a last post before we're off to our dream vacation out east, we're going to DC, New Jersey and my cousin's wedding. We're planning on taking lots of pictures so when I get back I'll post them with all the pictures from camp I STILL haven't gotten around to sharing with you all. Just for fun I'll post my favorite one right now as a parting gift to you all. I might be able to be on some while we're gone, we'll see.

Wish us well!


P.S. Here's Joe in line on hamburger day. I just love him to pieces!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's late and I'm tired, but...

Everybody is doing these things so I oughta too I guess. Yes I know, "If all your friends jumped of a cliff would you????" Well no, but this won't hurt. I would rather REAL hugs, not cyber ones, they're kinda cold and impersonal if you think about it....

*HUGS* TOTAL!give LydiaMargie more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Lydia Margaret is at Camp....

...and most of her readers are too. But there are a few that aren't, so I'm updating for her for their benefit. Lydia was at my house for a week at the beginning of July, and here are some pictures from then:

First, a couple of buddy-buddy pictures. We always get buddy-buddy pictures taken when Lydia comes to my (Erica's) house

And our awesome older sisters:

Audrey and Debbie...

Rachel and Susie

One afternoon Lydia (and her sisters) had to help us unload 60-pound hay bales off of the hay rack into the barn. Here she and Merrill enjoy the feel of the wind rushing past at forty miles an hour, after they finished working.

Most of our hard-working, hay-unloading crew. Debbie, Merrill, Audrey, and Lydia.

On Tuesday night the Woodwarth Dramatic Society performed Sense & Sensibility. Bits and pieces from it, at least. Aunt Alice got lots of good pictures, and here are two of Lydia playing two of her parts:

Fanny Dashwood on the left and Lucy Steele on the right, discussing Lucy's chance of marriage.

Marianne Dashwood (left) takes a quick break to laugh at Lady Jennings with Lady Jennings.

I'm sure Lydia is having a wonderful time at camp, and I'm just having a jolly good time here updating her blog!


Saturday, July 14, 2007

It's a good thing we moved...

According to, in Iowa "A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public." That's a law, really. Also "Kisses may last for no more than five minutes." Well, YEAH! They gotta breathe sometime I suppose...

Iowa is pretty bad with the odd laws, Wisconsin has some too, but they're all very, hmmmmm... Wisconsinish. Like "While all cheese making requires a license, Limburger cheese making requires a master cheese maker's license." We must be pretty serious with our cheese, we also have a state law that "made it illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without cheese."
Well we're off to camp, so I'll be gone for a fun filled week!!

Monday, July 9, 2007


Just so everyone knows, I'm safe and sound, no I wasn't tied up, gaged and put in a closet-Correction: I wasn't FORCED to be tied and gagged, I actually was, just by free-will and my own hand.

I figured I'd better up date before Erica hacked in again and posted for me. (Well I guess it wouldn't be much of a hack, considering I told her my password.)

I actually don't have much to write about, Erica posted pictures of a lot of my doing of the last week and a half. Now for the rest of the week I'm going to unpack, wash all my clothes and re pack for camp and work at CK. Then Sunday starts another week of vacation at camp. I did two weeks of Drivers Education at the High School in the middle of July, I still have a week I'm making up for at the end of July, so that will happen the week after camp.

Many of you might know my dream job is to be a Librarian, and for the last year I've been volunteering at the local library for the past year. I've always wanted to work there, but had never said much about it, about a month ago, out of the blue, the librarian director OFFERED me a job position that was going to be created! I was truly blessed that the lord worked it all out with me sticking my big mouth in to it. Due to various reasons it was 3 weeks before I got my application in. Because it's a city library I had to go through city hall and fill out a background check etc. It was about a million papers. Can you imagine??? ME a background check. When I filled it out I was reading all the things 'have you ever done this this or this?' (I didn't even know what most of them meant) and Mom looked over my shoulder and said "Oh just check NO on all of them. I know you haven't done anything." After I submitted the application (with much fear and trembling) I had to wait for almost 2 agonizing long weeks. To make a long story short when we returned home from Illinois Sunday night there was a message on the machine, I got the job!!!

Like I said before, God is SO good to me and I am very blessed to get a job I love and would like to do for a long time. He is an AWESOME God!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Note from the Prisoner--and her Captor

It's about time Lydia updated her blog! So I'm doing it for her, 'cause, uhh...well, she's unavailable right now. Just sec, Lyds is trying to say something. I guess I'll take her gag off just long enough to hear her. She says "UNTIE ME!!!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!" Well, I can't hear her anymore, because I put the gag back on and stuck her in my closet. We've been having a lot of fun, but she finally got so much on my nerves that I had to do something. I hope her sisters don't mind too much. Actually, they'll probably thank me.

Lydia says Adios! from my closet!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Split Skirts

I've been wanting to make some split skirts for camp, and when it worked out to go to Woods I thought it'd be nice for farm things too, so I hurried and finished two in the last two days. That's right people, Lydia, the Lydia you know and love actually finished a sewing project.*faint*
Here's the first one, I love this material:
Here's the blue one, sorry to cut my face out, but my hair was a big mess.

In answer to Annie's question my fave. picture is from the annual Harvest/Costume/Scavenger Hunt Party the home school group does. My friend Lillie's birthday was just a few days before the party so I dressed up as her birthday present with a card that everyone at the party signed. Joe was Dad in the army:

The coat was a little too big, but I think he looked great.
Cheerio for now!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sarah B. & Me

It seems all I've been doing lately is post pictures... Sorry! Sarah B. and I wore matching outfits the other day so, of course we took some pictures. I love her so much!!

Isn't she CUTE?????

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


HI! I found this quote today that I really liked. It's the start of ANOTHER boring post but, oh well:-)

"If you don't have a smile today I'll give you one of mine." ~Anonymous

Here you go!

Monday, June 11, 2007

"Mum's Flow'r Pot"

So Mother's Day was 4(?) weeks ago. And it seemed to slip every one's minds in our family that we should PROBABLY get our Mama a present. Mom's birthday, our parents anniversary and Mom's Day just happens to be all in a week's time this year, so you can hardly blame us. Not that we didn't want to get her a present, we were fully intending to, the day just came awful fast. Anyway,we ended up getting her some clay pots and Susie and I painted on one of them "Mommy Flowerpot."

Susie took care of making it look presentable, and I gave it the Kindergarten look. (Which is what we were going for.) So it turned out nice (I think) and Mom likes it:-)

Just for fun, I posted a random picture of one of the flowers in our garden:-)



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